Organization: World Food Programme
Organization: World Food Programme
Added: Sunday, 23 March 2025
Organization: World Food Programme
Added: Sunday, 23 March 2025
Organization: World Food Programme
Added: Sunday, 23 March 2025
Organization: World Food Programme
Added: Sunday, 23 March 2025
Organization: World Food Programme
Added: Sunday, 23 March 2025
Organization: World Food Programme
Added: Friday, 21 March 2025
Organization: World Food Programme
Added: Friday, 21 March 2025
Organization: World Food Programme
Added: Friday, 21 March 2025
Organization: World Food Programme
Added: Friday, 21 March 2025
Organization: World Food Programme
Added: Friday, 21 March 2025
Organization: World Food Programme
Added: Thursday, 20 March 2025
Organization: World Food Programme
Added: Thursday, 20 March 2025
Organization: World Food Programme
Added: Thursday, 20 March 2025
Organization: World Food Programme
Added: Thursday, 20 March 2025
Organization: World Food Programme
Added: Thursday, 20 March 2025
Organization: World Food Programme
Added: Thursday, 20 March 2025
Organization: World Food Programme
Added: Thursday, 20 March 2025
Organization: World Food Programme
Added: Thursday, 20 March 2025
Organization: World Food Programme
Added: Thursday, 20 March 2025
Organization: World Food Programme
Added: Thursday, 20 March 2025
Organization: World Food Programme
Added: Wednesday, 19 March 2025
Organization: World Food Programme
Added: Wednesday, 19 March 2025
Organization: World Food Programme
Added: Wednesday, 19 March 2025
Organization: World Food Programme
Added: Wednesday, 19 March 2025
Getting a job in the UN is a dream for many people, as a UN job is an amazing chance to grow both professionally and personally while getting priceless experience. Working for the UN, one should expect working in a team of international experts, competitive salaries, and great career opportunities. So, let's have a more detailed look at job types offered by the UN and clarify how to become a part of this powerful organization.
But the main question is “how to get a job at the un” without spending 10 years to achieve this dream ?
If you love our planet and people and are eager to change the world for better, you will certainly find an ideal job for yourself in the UN. This organization is a huge employer, offering numerous career opportunities not only for experienced professionals but also for those who are just looking for a dream job. Competition is usually fierce, as there are often many candidates for the same position, which is proof that UN jobs are desirable and popular. Nevertheless, it's possible to become a UN worker. But be ready to prepare for it, as it may not be as easy as people eager to start a career in the UN usually expect. Now, let's have a look at the main steps you'll have to do to start the UN career.
There are several programs designed to help young people to find a career path in the UN. One of the most popular is the Young Professionals Programme (we'll discuss it a little bit later).
Getting into the UN may be challenging, so it's better to be fully aware of all your options and understand the potential problems you may face. The first step is research. Browse the official website to get acquainted with the company's ideology and its job openings. If you are sure you want to contribute to the well-being of humanity working in the UN, you are welcome to choose a position you like the most (or several) and apply. To do this, you'll have to go through the registration and provide some information about your qualification and some personal information. Make sure you meet all the requirements of the position chosen. If you are not experienced enough, you can select one of the internship programs offered by the UN.
There are several job networks in the UN, including economic and social development, peace and security, information systems and communication technology, management and operations support, safety and security, public information and external relations, conference management. There is a huge selection of jobs for the potential candidates of various experiences and qualifications, so your possibilities are plentiful. There are different categories of workers, such as field services workers, professionals, national professional officers, general service workers, and several others.
Salaries in the UN are competitive. In fact, the sum of money you'll get depends on several factors, such as your category, qualification, type of your contract, and your duty station. For some jobs (general services, national professional officers) people are hired locally, so the salary depends on it. Use our UN salary calculator to know your future sqlqry. Choosing a position from professional and higher categories, you'll get from 37,000$ to 123,000$ and from 31,000$ to 90,000$ if you are planning to work in field services (depending on qualification).
Getting a job at the UN is certainly not an easy task. The competition is fierce, as there are usually many people eager to get the same position. It's better to immerse yourself into this adventure being prepared and ready for any outcome. Understandably, there are many people dreaming about working in a powerful international organization, but only the best candidates are chosen. All applications are carefully reviewed and chosen candidates are invited for an interview. It will be difficult, but we can make progress only by means of difficulties, so it's certainly worth trying.
Every UN job has a set of requirements, like age, work experience, etc. Language knowledge is another requirement that can influence your success. English, French, Chinese, Spanish, Arabic, Russian are the official UN languages, but usually, candidates are required to have a good command of either French or English. The more languages you know - the bigger your chances of getting a job of your dream. Besides, if you have good language skills, you can become a UN translator, interpreter, language instructor, or a teacher.
It depends on the position you'd like to get, as there are different education and work experience requirements. For some positions, a bachelor's (or higher) degree is required, while you can apply for the others having your High School diploma only.
Those looking for chances to start a successful career can do it even while studying in the university, as the UN offers several volunteer programs and internships for young people. For example, the UN Internship Programme makes it possible for students in the final year of a Bachelor program to get into the UN and understand the core principles of its work better. There is also a United Nations Volunteers Programme, which is active in approximately 80 countries nowadays. So, if you are a student and want to get new knowledge and skills, you are welcome to choose any of the UN programs for students.
The applying procedure is not complicated at all. So, the first thing you should do is visit the website to get acquainted with the job openings currently available. So, select the area you like and have a look at those. If you already know what types of positions you are looking for, just use filters to make the search easier. Click the "Search" button and you will have all the jobs in front of your eyes. If you have already chosen a position you'd like to apply to, the next step is registration at On this website, you'll have to provide all the necessary details about your qualification (as well as your personal information), write a cover letter and voila - you are ready to apply. Just go back to the vacancy you have selected and click the "Apply" button.
Use the UN career Guide if you are in trouble, it actually helped more than a thousand of candidates to find the job of their dream in the UN. In our guide we offer opportunities for all countries : from France UN jobs to Somalia jobs. Last week Fred got a UN job in south Sudan thanks to our guide.
As a rule, it takes from two weeks to four months to go through the selection process. So, you'll have to be patient and wait for the e-mail informing you that you are selected for the next step (as a rule, it's a writing test). We have many written assessment test samples for organisations such UN, UNDP, WFP, and Unicef.
Our UN career Guide provides you the best and most recent UN, WFP, Unicef and UNDP written test.
Then comes the interview (by Skype or personally). After an interview, you'll have to wait for the final decision from 1 week to 1 month.
The first and the most important rule you should remember - there should be no mistakes. A single little mistake or inaccuracy can reduce your chances. So, first of all, you are to provide your personal information. Then, proceed to education. Always start with the latest degree you've obtained. You should provide information about years of studying and the full names of educational institutions. Then comes a summary of your skills and proficiency. After this block of information comes professional experience, where you should try to highlight your most impressive achievements. Having done it, you are to provide some additional information (languages, additional training, etc.) and at least three references.
The World Food Program is the largest humanitarian organization of the United Nations, which is called upon to provide millions of tons of food to the needy regions. We are talking about the poor in developing or poor countries. In this way, WFP fights poverty and hunger. Even though the organizationโs mission is to fight hunger, itโs important to understand that this is not just distributing food to those in need (it is also there), but stimulating the development of agricultural production, finding solutions to create an optimal nutrition program, combating the lack of vitamins in the diet of the population, and a lot of other useful and important. In a global sense, this program promotes the social and economic development of states.
Thanks to the effective work of WFP, regional nutrition organizations provide timely and full service to schools, providing students with all the necessary food products. Statistics show that the UN food program annually helps more than 300 million children suffering from malnutrition worldwide. Also, WFP provides emergency assistance in regions of industrial and natural disasters, during hostilities and other disasters.
The primary concern of the World Food Program team is to strengthen partnerships between UN agencies, civil society groups, government, and commercial organizations. Only the coordinated work of all parts of the chain will help to effectively deal with global hunger on Earth.
WFP specialists should make every effort to collaborate with non-governmental organizations and UN investors in advocacy and operations. This is necessary to increase the overall contribution to achieving strategic goals.
It is important to note the participation in the groups that act at the international, national, and regional levels on humanitarian development and assistance to those in need. Each country that is part of the UN food program has focal points. In them, specialists are involved in the creation and monitoring of interaction between various local institutions.
Protecting the interests of people who are suffering from hunger on any part of the Earth is a priority goal for every WFP employee. In support of their ideas and views, the organization's team should hold international meetings and conferences among vulnerable groups. Everyone on the planet should know that he has the right to life.
The institutionโs tasks also include meeting the food needs of refugees and people with HIV / AIDS.
First of all, you need to send an online application for work to the email address of the regional or central office of WFP. The application form should include real biographical and contact details. Also, it is necessary to attach recommendations and information about their authors. It will not be superfluous to include copies of the diploma and essay in the package of documents, but at this stage, this is not necessary.
The most successful and interesting candidates will certainly be invited for an interview. Following the results of the interview, a final decision on employment will be made. However, an invitation to an interview does not mean that the contract is already in the hands of the candidate. It often happens that after an in-person meeting, the commission refuses the specialist to find a job. An interview is just another test that all runway candidates must go through.
Mandatory is higher education in the chosen profession. At the same time, candidates with relevant work experience of 3 years or more are accepted for permanent work. If we are talking about international experience, then 2 years is enough. The latter requirement is relevant even for UN staff.
The candidate must have permission to work in a particular country for a particular profession. Some specialties require an additional international license.
Mandatory is the knowledge of French or English. In today's world, it is important to have a good command of computers and basic application programs.
The only initiative, responsible, active, and progressive qualified specialists who are not afraid of high-profile challenges and strive to constantly improve are suitable for work in the World Food Program.
Most often, work in the regional offices of the program requires qualified and experienced obstetrician-gynecologists. This vacancy is especially relevant in African countries. Local health facilities regularly need skilled personnel. Obstetrician-gynecologists should provide timely outpatient and inpatient care. If necessary, they must resort to operational methods of intervention.
WFP jobs also often require project managers, food safety experts, assessment and monitoring specialists, public relations managers, field project coordinators, technical advisers, finance department specialists, call center operators.
The organization wants candidates to keep pace with the changing world and to find a way out of even the most difficult situation in a short time. Here you also need to be able to look at the problem from different angles, compare the information received and, at the same time, focus on the details. Also, you need to do this as soon as possible.
The development of emotional intelligence, empathy, and the ability to abstract oneself from other people's negative emotions is a must-have for a true professional.
This skill is about the dexterity of your mind and the better it is developed, the less stress you feel. Thanks to this skill, the employee easily adapts to new conditions, switches from one task to another without loss of productivity just makes new friends, adapts to any future, and does not require outside help.
With the development of technology, people have forgotten all communication skills and cannot express their ideas or even thoughts. But without proper communication, not a single team of professionals can achieve decent results. It is communication that helps completely different people collaborate, using each other's strengths, and produce incredible ideas.
The organization wants to see team players in their teams who are not able to substitute colleagues to satisfy their own interests. Each team has a leader, a leading specialist, and several performers. Each employee must adhere to their role, rather than trying to expose others to prove themselves. After all, only teamwork of the entire team helps companies succeed.