Consultant - Lead Evaluator for carrying out Midline Evaluation - Uzbekistan

Tags: English language Environment
  • Added Date: Thursday, 15 February 2024
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Mercy Corps is a leading global organization powered by the belief that a better world is possible. In disaster, in hardship, in more than 40 countries around the world, we partner to put bold solutions into action โ€” helping people triumph over adversity and build stronger communities from within.

In an effort to enhance food security, alleviate hunger, and promote literacy and primary education to foster self-reliant and productive societies, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has provided funding for the McGovern-Dole International Food for Education and Child Nutrition Program (McGovern-Dole 2019) in the Republic of Uzbekistan. This initiative aims to support the Preschool Education System Development Concept of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The program seeks to aid the implementation of the government's Preschool Education System Development Concept, reaching 42,700 preschool children across 294 preschools in 22 districts spanning two regions, namely the Republic of Karakalpakstan and Surkhandarya. The program is guided by specific core objectives, which includes:

  • Promote reading readiness through the provision of age-appropriate activities/materials to develop preschoolers' early literacy skills.

  • Improve student attendance in preschools through the provision of daily preschool meals, improved learning environment, and access to clean water and sanitation.

  • Involve children, parents and community in the preschool education system to enhance community and parent support for preschoolers' reading readiness.

  • Increase knowledge of nutrition, health and hygiene practices, and safe food preparation and storage practices, by facilitating training for cooks, parents, and preschool staff.

  • Improve preschool infrastructure and the learning environment of preschool children through the construction or rehabilitation of preschool kitchens, and improved water and sanitation facilities.

    Purpose / Project Description:

    The purpose of this midline evaluation is to assess the performance of the McGovern-Dole International Food for Education & Child Nutrition Program in Uzbekistan with respect to planned objectives, review and re-assess the program design, and generate lessons to improve sustainability. The midline evaluation findings will help document the results to date, generate lessons learned, and inform potential adaptations to program interventions, to ensure that the program successfully achieves its stated objectives.

    Given its extensive scope and the rich journey of implementation, Mercy Corps believes that this evaluation may generate lessons that may inform design of similar programs not only in Uzbekistan, but also beyond its borders. Mercy Corps will work closely with the evaluation partner, the donor, the United State Department of Agriculture (USDA), and counterparts at the relevant Uzbekistan government offices to develop a dissemination plan to ensure that all pertinent stakeholders are well-informed about the findings, recommendations, and are able to access the learnings. Evaluation briefs, infographics and other relevant communication materials will be generated to share with key entities such as USDA, USAID, the Uzbekistan Government through the Ministry of Preschool and School Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan (MoPSE), district and regional education offices, the identified preschools, parents associated with those preschools, as well as other non-governmental and multilateral organizations engaged in the education sector.

    Consultant Objectives:

    This Midterm Evaluation will serve the following objectives:

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