Intern (m/f/d) in the regional programme „Peaceful and inclusive transhumance - Trainees

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  • Added Date: Thursday, 16 May 2024
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Intern (m/f/d) in the regional programme „Peaceful and inclusive transhumance” Stellenanzeige merkenStellenanzeige teilen

Our model for success is a better life for everyone and purposeful tasks for our employees. For more than 50 years, the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), as a company of the German Federal Government, has been supporting the implementation of development policy goals worldwide. Together with partner organisations in 120 countries, we are involved in a diverse range of projects. If you want to make a difference in the world and develop yourself in the process, you've come to the right place.

Job-ID: V000058954 Einsatzort: Eschborn Einsatzzeitraum: 15.07.2024 - 14.10.2024 Fachgebiet: Nachwuchs Art der Anstellung: Vollzeit Bewerbungsfrist: 03.06.2024


Transhumance – a process whereby herders and their herds of animals seasonally move between grazing areas – is the most important form of livestock production around Lake Chad in Central and Western Africa. As such, it makes an essential contribution to the region’s economy and food security. The regional programme „Peaceful and inclusive transhumance” (PETRA) provides advice to regional organisations to further develop and harmonise laws concerning transhumance between Cameroon, Chad, Niger, and Nigeria. It also contributes to the improvement of strategies and programmes for transhumance.
The programme supports regional authorities in the inclusive management of transhumance and the development of mechanisms for preventing conflicts – for example, making it common practice for regional governments to manage pastoralists’ movements to different grazing areas at certain times of the year. This is linked to an approach of integrated natural resources management.
Last but not least, the project also documents best practices of transhumance and promotes the exchange of experiences across institutions and borders.

Ihre Aufgaben

Support the implementation of the different outputs of the programme, especially output 3 (“Dissemination of approaches to crisis-preventive management of transboundary transhumance”) Support of communication activities Support of the team by independently researching and drafting project documents (French, English, German), preparation of presentation materials and concept papers Support of the team in the content and logistical preparation of (virtual) events and workshops Overview of the work produced in the programme, documentation of products and support of the team members in the project countries Knowledge management and monitoring/evaluation of project achievements

Ihr Profil

You should have obtained at least a bachelor’s degree in environmental science, rural development/agriculture, economics, politics, social sciences or any other subject relevant to the topic of the internship You have gained knowledge and practical experience in the field of pastoralism, rural development/agriculture, peace and social cohesion, sustainable resource management, or climate change adaptation Ideally, you already have initial experience in the field of development cooperation (internships and/or volunteer work) and/or in developing and emerging countries You’re fluent in French and English; German is an asset You show very good communication skills in the above-mentioned languages You’re confident in writing texts and in preparing topics conceptually for different target groups (community stakeholders, general public, political audience, etc.) Your strengths include initiative, teamwork, and good time management You have very good organizational skills and are used to working independently and results-oriented.


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Die monatliche Praktikantenvergütung beträgt €2.134,52 (brutto).

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Für inhaltliche Rückfragen steht Ihnen Herr Jakob Seidler ( zur Verfügung.

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