Individual Consultant: International Editors, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea

Tags: English language
  • Added Date: Monday, 05 June 2023
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Purpose of Consultancy:

The National Statistical Office in collaboration with the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and with funding support from the Australian Government, has concluded the conduct of the Socio-Demographic and Economic Survey (SDES). The SDES is a nationally representative sample survey designed to generate indicators on population and demographic characteristics, labour and employment, migration, education, fertility, household and housing characteristics. These indicators will be used to monitor the progress of the country in terms of the targets set in the Sustainable Development Goals, PNG Vision 2050, Medium-Term Development Plan III, and other monitoring tools of the government.

Several reports will be generated to include in-depth analyses of the survey results.

The following reports will be developed and edited to include the following topics:

First editor:

  1. Final SDES Report
  2. Thematic Report on Economic Well-Being of the Population

    Second editor:

    1. Thematic Report on Fertility and Mortality
    2. Demographic Dividend

      To standardize the above reports in terms of wordings/grammar, structure/format, and contents, the services of two editors are required.

      The Individual Consultant International Editors will be responsible for the following:

      With the guidance of the UNFPA Chief Technical Adviser (CTA), the editors will:

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