Programme Officer, Environmental, Social and Governance Safeguards

Tags: climate change English Spanish language
  • Added Date: Friday, 20 September 2024
  • Deadline Date: Friday, 18 October 2024
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The position is located in the Development Investment Programme (DEVINVEST).


The DEVINVEST Programme focuses on the design and development of capacity development services to create more and better jobs. DEVINVEST offers a portfolio of training and learning activities on employment-intensive works and public employment programmes; employment-centered policies for countries in fragile contexts affected by conflict and disasters; sustainable trade and investment; sustainable procurement; climate change and nature based solutions.


The Programme Officer reports to the DEVINVEST Manager. He/she works in coordination with the DEVINVEST team to mainstream social, environmental and climate change safeguards in the DEVINVEST training portfolio. He/she works with external clients, especially Development Banks in the development and delivery of training services aimed at reducing operational risks from environmental impacts, reaching disadvantaged populations, and promoting operations free from inadequate labour practices.\n\n


Functional responsibilities

As part of the DEVINVEST Programme, the Programme Officer is responsible for designing, developing and implementing capacity development services for ILO constituents and other clients in Social, Environmental and Governance Safeguards.  Specifically, the incumbent:


-           follows and researches developments in a specific technical area, and identifies and recommends feasible training courses and activities consistent with approved training programmes and ongoing activities in the technical programme area;

-           reviews regularly issued reports, locates other specific data, and identifies and analyzes the training needs of various target groups in order to promote and support the technical area through training;

-           analyzes training proposals from Regional Programmes in a specific technical area to ensure technical feasibility and to ensure that training objectives are attainable within prescribed resources, evaluates specifications for accuracy and soundness, and recommends planning and design improvements;

-           ulates, modifies and presents training proposals based on the incumbent's own technical expertise for the supervisor's review and approval; develops course curricula, training and promotional materials, schedules, and methods for the management of the implementation of individual training courses in close consultation with regional programme and administrative units;

-           maintains contact and exchanges information with ILO HQ and field offices, Development Banks, training institutions, NGOs, other UN organizations, government officials and representatives of donor agencies in order to prioritize needs, identify objectives, discuss course design and evaluation, coordinate efforts, provide technical advice concerning the planning, design and implementation of courses, and to obtain funds required for programme ulation and implementation;

-           acting as course manager, organizes, monitors and facilitates the implementation of training activities in a specific technical area through discussions and correspondence with experts and participants, field visits, recruitment of resource persons, provision of training s, preparation of cost estimates, evaluation of activities, and preparation and editing of relevant reports;

-           performs other related duties as required\n\n


Qualifications required


Master's degree in environmental, economics, social sciences, international studies or related field.


At least five years of professional experience, of which two years at the international level, in support of Environmental, Social and Governance Safeguards, including exposure to the design and implementation of training activities and capacity development services.

At least two years of working experience in a low- or middle income country. Experience in enhancing digital technologies for training and capacity building services is desirable.


Excellent knowledge of English and good working knowledge of French are required.

Knowledge of a third language among the following will be considered an asset: Portuguese, Spanish or Arabic.\n\n

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