• Added Date: Monday, 23 October 2023
5 Steps to get a job in the United Nations


  • Market biofortified varieties to farmers, agro-dealers, commodity traders, and other district and ward level stakeholders, for promoting their increased production, marketing, consumption, and processing.
  • Facilitate the formation of producer groups to engage in the commercial production and marketing of biofortified crop varieties and act as liaison between the producer groups and input suppliers, financiers, and off takers.
  • Facilitate the formation of nutrition-oriented farmer field schools through which to promote nutrition sensitive agricultural practices including the production and consumption of biofortified varieties.
  • Monitor and provide technical backstopping to farmer field school leads in the roll-out of the farmer-field school curriculum.
  • Act as the primary contact person and liaison between the project and its key stakeholders at district and ward level, ensuring that stakeholders are well informed and in support of project activities.ย 
  • Work closely with the MLE team on data collection through surveys and other means and submitting regular progress reports


    • Submitย ย  detailed workplan and Gantt chart, showing how the consultant intends to reach the agreed deliverables and targets.
    • Formation of target number of farmer field schools and support roll-out of the agreed farmer field school curriculum(s). ย 
    • Promote and facilitate the procurement of target volumes of biofortified seed and vines.
    • Formation of target number of VAM, HIB and OFSP producer groups and support them to produce and market an agreed volume of biofortified produce.
    • Monitor and support gender champions in the roll-out of GALS training within the project operating areas.


      ยทย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย  A Diploma or bachelor's degree in agriculture or related field.

      ยทย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย  Experience in farmer extension services and the use of the farmer field school extension approach.

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