The Construction Officer will manage the maintenance and the construction of transitional Caravan Shelter units in Zaatari camp.
Roles and Responsibilities
Generic responsibilities (max 10)
Provides direction, assigns tasks and gives instructions to staff, specifies their individual work plans and evaluates individual team members’ performance. Or Provides directions, assigns tasks and gives instructions to daily laborers and/or contractors and evaluates individual performance. Supports the assigned staff in their professional development, identifies training needs, supports staff to achieve the objectives defined in their learning development plans. Monitors the progress of the activities of assigned staff and ensure they are implemented conform planning and quality standards. Develops with the assigned team, Monthly activity plans. Ensures compliance with NRC policies CC tools, handbooks and guidelines. Identify, analyses and evaluate processes and gaps in the implementation of activities and make recommendations for improvement . Reports over the activities achieved provide analysis over the activities performed and signal bottlenecks. Daily coordination with the UNHCR Technical unit regarding all reported Allocated, Urgent and Vacant damaged shelters.Specific responsibilities
Responsible for the implementation of NRC’s shelter rehabilitation, maintenance and new shelter construction team activities in Zaatari camp. Oversee the maintenance work including supervision of laborers working on the site, validate the cases provided that are requiring maintenance and verify the required materials and tools and provide technical support as required to ensure technical quality and timely response. Updating relevant spreadsheets and databases for tracking and monitoring maintenance and construction team activities, progress and costs associated with the various tasks and preparing technical reports to monitor or evaluate ongoing or completed maintenance and construction work as requested. Supporting design projects, including the preparation and review of technical drawings, schematics and diagrams (including using computer aided drafting (Auto-Cad), developing clear specifications, Bills of Quantities and Scope of Works, and work plan as required. Supporting the procurement of goods or services required for the project; including the development of detailed specifications for goods/services needed, raising Purchase Requests, tracking their deliveries, conducting supplier visits or market surveys and verifying the receipt of goods to ensure they meet the specifications of the goods ordered and preparing Goods Received Notes (GRNs) drafting and inputting into final works reports to verify the satisfactory completion of works. Coordinating with logistic and procurement teams to make sure that all PRs are delivered, follow up with them on the delivery date and to compare all these documents with the PR tracker sent by them to make sure that all data is there. Sourcing and managing any casual laborers required to support the project, including the preparation of time sheets for laborers. Documenting all paperwork for each project and task, (Work plan, Daily register sheets, handing over forms, Estimated BOQs, Design sheets, Technical Sheets, Actual BOQ, laborer sheets, and all related documents). Managing all tasks, preparing a logical work plan, and prioritizing them based on their urgency and based on the line manager feedback. Keeping all stock above the minimum, to ensure keeping the operation functional all the time, and in case of an emergency. Handing over all keys to UNHCR technical unit and making sure that all forms are there and signed by them daily.Critical Interfaces
By interfaces, NRC means processes and projects that are interlinked with other departments/units or persons. Relevant interfaces for this position are:
Relevant core competency implementation staff Support teams, Finance, HR, Admin and Logistics Protection staff M&E departmentScale and scope of position:
Staff: 2 IBV+ , 10 IBV Stockholders: UN agencies ,INGOs and SRAD. Information: N/A Legal or Compliance: Term of employment.Competencies
Competencies are important in order for the employee and the organization to deliver desired results. They are relevant for all staff and are divided into the following two categories:
1- Professional Competencies
Generic professional competencies for this position:
Previous experience working within technical expertise in humanitarian/ recovery contexts Documented results related to the position’s responsibilities Good English Language level. Previous experience working in complex and volatile contextsContext/specific skills, knowledge and experience:
Qualification requirement:
Bachelor’s degree in engineering A minimum of 2 years experience in related work. Proven experience as a site supervisor with labors supervision responsibilities. Reporting skills. Experience in using different engineering software is a plus. Strong communication and interpersonal skills.2- Behavioral Competencies (max 6)
Planning and delivering results Working with people Analyzing Managing resources to optimize results Empowering and building trustPerformance Management
The Job Description The work and Development Plan The NRC Competency Framework