Mission and objectivesUpdate
ContextUNFPA Iraq is committed to delivering high-quality reports that effectively communicate key findings and recommendations. To enhance the readability and visual appeal of our documents, we are seeking the support of 10 Online Volunteers with expertise in graphic design and editorial layout. The volunteers will assist in designing the layout for two reports: The Study Report โ Needs to be completed by the end of next week. The MHPSS Manual โ A more flexible timeline of three to four weeks. Both reports must follow UNFPA branding and communication guidelines, which will be provided in advance.
Task DescriptionUnder the guidance of UNFPA Iraqโs communication team, selected Online Volunteers will: Format and design the layout for The Study Report and The MHPSS Manual. Ensure consistency in typography, color schemes, and overall aesthetics. Apply UNFPAโs visual identity and branding guidelines. Make revisions based on feedback from the UNFPA team. Final versions should be professional, visually appealing, and easy to navigate, ensuring clear communication of key messages.
Competencies and values
Living conditions and remarks