1. General Information
1.1 About Humanity & Inclusion
Humanity & Inclusion (formerly Handicap International) is an international non-governmental Organization founded in 1982 and currently located in more than 60 countries worldwide. Humanity & Inclusion is an independent and impartial aid organisation working in situations of poverty and exclusion, conflict and disaster. The organisation works alongside people with disabilities and vulnerable populations, taking action and bearing witness in order to respond to their essential needs, improve their living conditions and promote respect for their dignity and fundamental rights.
1.2 About Humanity & Inclusion in Bangladesh
Humanity & Inclusion (HI) has been operational in Bangladesh since 1997 and supporting for universal and inclusive access to services for all, particularly in health, education and socio-economic empowerment and operate in 2 districts: Kurigram and Cox’s Bazar.
In Dhaka, a Senior Management Team oversees all country operations, consisting of a Country Director, Operation Manager, Country MEAL Manager, Technical Unit Manager, Finance Manager, HR Manager, Logistics Manager, and Compliance Manager. The intervention in the field offices in Ukhiya and Teknaf is guided by two Area Managers. HI also has a team of technical specialists in areas such as Rehabilitation, Mental Health and Psychosocial Support, Protection, Inclusion Humanitarian Action, and Accessibility. They follow HI global standards to ensure quality of services strengthen the technical capacity of field operations teams, and coordinate with clusters and technical working groups. HI is known for promoting the rights of vulnerable individuals, particularly person with disabilities and providing quality specialized services during emergency responses.
HI has been operating in Cox's Bazar for over 12 years with a team of experienced and qualified professionals, having a deep understanding of the local context and strong relationships with local authorities and influential partners.
2. Context of the Evaluation
2.1 Presentation of the BPRM funded Project
The BPRM funded project titled "Inclusive Specialized Services for Vulnerable Persons, including Persons with Disabilities in Cox's Bazar Rohingya Camps and Host Communities" has three main objectives. The first objective is to enhance the quality and timely access to comprehensive functional rehabilitation and healthcare services through mobile units, static points, and targeted health facilities in camps and host communities. The second objective is to improve the protection environment and increase resilience of persons with concerns, particularly persons with disabilities, older people, and other vulnerable individuals, among the Rohingya community through equitable access to life-saving protection and mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) services and strengthening community-based protection mechanisms. The third objective is to promote the inclusion of persons with disabilities and older people in the overall Rohingya humanitarian response, including disaster risk reduction and preparedness services in camps and host communities. The first of the project is from September 2022 to August 2023.
Since the influx in August 2017, HI has established emergency mobile teams that consist of a team manager, a project officer for beneficiary identification and referral pathways, rehabilitation staff, a nurse for basic healthcare and referrals, a protection officer for case identification and external referrals, two MHPSS officers for individualized services and referrals to specialized mental health services, and an inclusive sports and recreational officer for facilitating sessions with children and adults.
HI operates Nine teams in Ukhiya and Teknaf Upazillas covering 14 camps, providing adapted and comprehensive assistance to vulnerable individuals including persons with disabilities. HI also provides rehabilitation services in 5 hospitals and clinics. Door-to-door home-based rehabilitation services are provided in Jaliapalong union under Ukhiya Upazila and through mobile van approach in Whykong, Baharchharha,
Sabrang unions under Teknaf Upazilla, through its partner CDD. Additionally, HI supports three camps in Ukhiya through CDD, which provides similar assistance to vulnerable individuals through Static Points and door-to-door home-based services.
3. Objectives of the Evaluation
The overall objectives and expectations of the evaluation are given as below:
3.1 General Objective
The general objective of the evaluation is to conduct an independent assessment of the project's implementation and intervention and identify areas for improvement/modification/adjustment to make the implementations of the Mobile Units of high quality and hence ensure better attainment of the program results
3.2 Specific Objectives
The specific objective of this evaluation is to assess the project based on the HI quality framework criteria of Changes, Relevance, Effectiveness and Efficiency.
The evaluation aims to assess the project's changes, relevance, effectiveness and efficiency by reviewing the following criteria:
· The project aims at positive short, medium and/or long-term changes for the targeted populations. (Changes)
· The project meets the identified needs and is adapted to the context of intervention. (Relevance)
· The extent to which the project's objectives have been achieved (Effectiveness)
· The economical use of resources such as human, financial, logistical, technical, etc. to achieve results (Efficiency)
For details, you can see the details Terms of Reference (ToR)