ASCAP II Project on Asylum Capacity Building in Turkey
Call for Experts
A. Project description
ICMPD Migration Management Programme in Turkey is designed to contribute to the further strengthening of the migration management capacity of the Directorate General for Migration Management (DGMM) of Turkey, through enhancing its strategic and operational capacity in different areas of migration.
As part of the ICMPD Migration Management Programme in Turkey, the ASCAP II project aims to improve the migration management system and capacity (with a particular focus on the asylum procedures) through sustainable outputs in Turkey.
The project is funded by the United Kingdom and the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) is responsible for the management and implementation of the projects.
B. Background and Objectives
In April 2013 the new Law on Foreigners and International Protection of Turkey entered into force and regulates the entry and stay of foreigners in Turkey as well as all matters related to international protection. The DGMM was established and became operational in April 2014 as Turkey’s new specialised migration management authority.
ICMPD has been implementing projects in Turkey, focusing primarily on topics related to migration management and policy development, but also providing support to the establishment and capacity development of DGMM as an institution.
As its predecessor project (ASCAP I), ASCAP II focuses on further support to strengthen the international protection status determination procedures of the Directorate General of Migration Management in relation to the institutional setup, quality of decisions, establishment of special procedures and collection and use of country of origin information with a view to enabling smooth processing of the existing backlog and responding to new asylum claims.
C. List of key areas to be covered
The ASCAP II call for experts encompasses thematic areas such as:
International refugee law and international/ regional human rights instruments,
EU Common European Asylum System,
EU MS country practices,
Asylum policy making,
Asylum decision making,
Interviewing of asylum seekers,
Country of origin information research,
System and workflow design with a particular focus on asylum procedures,
Asylum appeals system,
Registration and reception of asylum seekers,
Integration of asylum seekers and beneficiaries of international protection.
D. Short-Term Expert involvement
Short-term experts are sought to support ICMPD in providing technical assistance, conducting desk research, drafting comparative studies and reports, participation in expert consultations and workshops as well as in trainings and seminars organised together with and for DGMM staff in Turkey, related to the areas covered by the projects as listed above.
E. Desired profile of experts
The Project intends to provide a platform for DGMM staff to exchange with peers from EU MS working in the area of asylum. As such we particularly search for short term experts (STEs) that bring along experiences of working in a public administration in the area of migration and particularly asylum. Thus, STEs who either currently work or have worked for an asylum authority (first or second instance) within an EU Member State or an associated State and worked there as asylum decisions maker, policy maker, country of origin researcher, general researcher or reception officer or in the area of connected procedures like resettlement, return, pre-return detention, etc. are particularly encouraged to apply.
Practical and/or academic knowledge and experience in one or more of the areas mentioned in the above listed topics of the projects,
Experience in institutional development and capacity building,
Experience in developing working procedures, revision and development of recommendations and internal procedures,
Training, presentation and facilitation skills,
Excellent drafting skills,
Excellent oral and written English (knowledge of Turkish will be considered an asset)
Previous practical and/or academic experience and knowledge in the region and/or in the countries of origin will be considered an asset.