Team member - National Specialist on Climate Finance

Tags: climate change finance UNDP
  • Added Date: Tuesday, 25 March 2025
  • Deadline Date: Monday, 07 April 2025
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Team member - National Specialist on Climate Finance

Team member - National Specialist on Climate Finance

Procurement Process

IC - Individual contractor




07-Apr-25 @ 12:59 PM (New York time)

Published on

25-Mar-25 @ 12:00 AM (New York time)

Reference Number



Kongthanou Khanthavixay, Procurement Analyst - This specific tender is managed via the new supplier portal system of UNDP Quantum. If you are interested in submitting a bid for this tender, you must subscribe following the instructions in the user guide. If you have not registered a profile with this system, you can do so by following the link for Supplier Registration.

If you already have a supplier profile, please access the negotiation using quicklink or please login to the Supplier Portal, then search for the negotiation using the reference number UNDP-LAO-00479, following the instructions in the user guide.


Country: Laos

Description of the Assignment:

Overall objective: Support Lao PDR's to strengthen its commitment to addressing climate change-induced L&D with alignment to progress on ongoing international climate negotiations, mainstream L&D in national level efforts including the formulation of the Nationally Determined Contributions 3.0 (NDC 3.0) and the 10th National Socio Economic Development Plan (NSEDP), propose a strategic roadmap for active engagement of national institutions and readiness of financing mechanisms to respond to L&D negotiations in the future.

The consultants will be responsible to support delivering of the following activities:

1) Conduct a review of the latest

a) International negotiations and mechanisms on L&D caused by climate change since COP27 to date; and

b) National level strategic documents, policies and frameworks to identify gaps in relation to incorporation and mainstreaming of L&D considerations.

2) Stock take on Lao PDR’s effort on L&D caused by climate change including approaches to L&D assessments, data credibility, availability and tracking, including in research and policy formulation and information generation; gaps in relation to international best practices.

3) Analyze existing methods for estimating L&D to develop a methodology and undertake an assessment on L&D including data collection surveys, analysis and estimation of current L&D and recovery needs, and recommendations on prioritisation of measures and mechanisms for financing needs in relation to the projected impacts of climate change.

4) Highlight and strengthen L&D considerations based on the assessments into strategic national level documents including the NAP, NDC 3.0 and 10th NSEDP based on the L&D assessment.

5) Propose a roadmap for Lao PDR to actively participate in L&D discussion at the upcoming international climate negotiations in the lead up to COP30.

6) Participate in the presentation-related content at consultation meetings organized by MONRE and UNDP.

Scope of Work

The consultants will undertake the following tasks:

Task1 - Desk review: Assess gaps and identify opportunities in Lao PDR’s effort towards strengthening and mainstreaming its commitment to addressing climate change-induced Loss and Damage

The consultant team are expected to review secondary literature and information in relation to the following

Review and assess international L&D policies and mechanisms in the context on international developments including under

o the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC);

o current international negotiations on L&D associated with climate change and other cross-cutting issues including impacts on vulnerable sectors, populations at risks and socio-economic factors.

o international standards, best practices and benchmarks in the context of L&D to model to build-on in Lao PDR.

o Santiago Network

Review relevant national level strategic documents, policies and frameworks to identify gaps in relation to incorporation and mainstreaming of L&D considerations. The review should include the 9th NSEDP, National Climate Change Strategy (NCCS), National Strategy on Disaster Risk Reduction (NSDRR), National DRR action plan (to be endorsed by mid of this year), NDC2.0, NDC implementation plan, NAP and other strategic documents as appropriate.

Review the existing practice of tracking disaster loss and damage data, including data collection, management, analysis, and application (Disaster data value chain).

Conduct a stock take on Lao PDR's effort on L&D caused by climate change including approaches to L&D assessments, data credibility, availability and tracking, including in research and policy formulation and information generation; gaps in relation to international best practices.

Undertake consultations, as needed, with relevant government and international stakeholders to conduct the review process

Draft a report synthesizing the information assimilated, analysis, findings and recommendations based on the literature review

(Output – Report on Review findings and Recommendations)

The Team Leader will lead the whole process (10 days) including leading the review of national context, liaising with relevant Government authorities

The International team member will provide direct technical inputs as requested by the team leader, particularly on review of the international context in relation to climate change and L&D conventions, negotiations and developments, global climate finance and best practices (10 days)

Task 2 - L&D Assessment: Undertake an assessment on L&D to estimate Lao PDRs needs in wake of the impacts of climate change, and Prioritize measures as well as mechanisms for financing needs.

Based on the review and stock take undertaken in Task 1, the consultant team are expected conduct a primary assessment on L&D and undertake the following

In consultation with UNDP and relevant government stakeholders, recommend, agree on and develop a methodology to conduct an overall L&D assessment in Lao PDR including identification of the objectives, scope, data collection methods, timelines as well as a detailed workplan.

Conduct the L&D assessment including undertaking travel to identified areas within Lao PDR to conduct primary analysis including for data collection surveys, local consultations, quantitative and/or qualitative analysis

Undertake consultation, as appropriate, with UNDP, UN agencies, development partners and relevant government stakeholder to validate findings and triangulate information gaps to conclude the assessment.

Draft a consolidated assessment report on review findings under Task 1 and the L&D Assessment outlining the data analysis, estimation historical L&D and current recovery needs, recommendations on prioritizing measures and mechanisms for financing identified needs in relation to the projected impacts of climate change.

(Output: Consolidated Assessment Report on L&D)

The Team Leader will lead the whole process (20 days)

The International team member will provide peer review to the work of the TL/TM (20 days)

Task 3 - Mainstreaming L&D: Mainstream and strengthen L&D considerations into strategic national level documents as appropriate

As a strategic partner, UNDP Lao PDR current is one of the lead UN agencies to support the Government of Lao PDR on a number of national level initiatives. As part of these initiative and in the context of L&D, the consultant team is expected to

Support UNDP in mainstreaming and strengthening L&D considerations into strategic national level documents primarily including, but not limited to, the NAP, NDC 3.0 and 10th NSEDP based on tasks 1-2, including

o Coordinate with and appraise sector-working groups and relevant teams to strengthen L&D considerations in their on-going national efforts

o Review draft of the aforementioned documents to incorporate information and/or sections to strengthen and mainstream L&D at the national level

o Appraise relevant government stakeholders to build their capacity on international developments in relation to L&D

Support UNDP on the development of a roadmap for Lao PDR to actively participate in L&D discussion at the upcoming international climate negotiations in the lead up to COP30

Support UNDP for participating in High-level engagements and presentations of related contents at consultation meetings and seminars upon request;

(Output: Incorporation of dedicated information on L&D in strategic National Level documents)

The Team Leader will lead the whole process (05 days) The International team member will provide peer review to the work of the TL/TM (05 days)

Period of assignment/services: 35 working days.

Proposal should be submitted directly in the portal no later than indicated deadline.

Any request for clarification must be sent in writing via messaging functionality in the portal. UNDP will respond in writing including an explanation of the query without identifying the source of inquiry.

Please indicate whether you intend to submit a bid by creating a draft response without submitting directly in the system. This will enable the system to send notifications in case of amendments of the tender requirements. Should you require further clarifications, kindly communicate using the messaging functionality in the system. Offers must be submitted directly in the system following this link: using the profile you may have in the portal. In case you have never registered before, you can register a profile using the registration link shared via the procurement notice and following the instructions in guides available in UNDP website: Do not create a new profile if you already have one. Use the forgotten password feature in case you do not remember the password or the username from previous registration.

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