• Added Date: Friday, 07 February 2025
  • Deadline Date: Saturday, 22 February 2025
5 Steps to get a job in the United Nations



The Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) is a treaty-based international, inter-governmental organization dedicated to supporting and promoting strong, inclusive and sustainable economic growth in developing countries and emerging economies. To learn more please visit about GGGI web page.

GGGI has a diverse portfolio of programs in developing countries around the world. These in-country programs, together with global products and services, focus on delivering results through an integrated approach of evidence-based green growth planning and implementation aligned to countriesโ€™ development priorities.


\"Accelerating Biodiversity Conservation in the Peruvian Amazon: Innovative and Inclusive Financial Mechanisms for a Peru (ABCPA)\" is a 25-month technical assistance program that GGGI is implementing for the Peruvian government in partnership with the Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Economy and Finance, and other pertinent public entities, including the National Park Services, National Forest and Wildlife Service, and Ministry of Women and Vulnerable Populations. The program, which is supported by the Amazon Regional Fund (ARF), an arm of the UK's Partnering for Accelerated Climate Transitions (UK PACT) initiative, which is a part of the UK's International Climate Finance (ICF) portfolio, aims to play a key role in implementing the nation's National Strategy for Biological Diversity (NBSAP), which outlines strategic measures and actions to accelerate the implementation of international environmental finance, biodiversity finance frameworks, and private sector investments in biodiversity projects and initiatives.

The project addresses critical barriers to biodiversity conservation in Peru by establishing the financial and institutional frameworks and conditions necessary for the sustainable management of the countryโ€™s biodiversity. Peru's biodiversity is under significant threat due to a lack of cohesive financial mechanisms and frameworks for effective biodiversity conservation. To overcome these challenges, the project aims to strengthen the alignment between Peruโ€™s financial architecture and the countryโ€™s biodiversity needs by designing and implementing innovative and inclusive financial mechanisms, such as biodiversity bonds, and habitat banks.

The project adopts a collaborative, government-led approach to establish the enabling conditions needed to overcome barriers to biodiversity conservation. It will do so by raising awareness of the materiality of nature-related financial risks (OU1), developing standardized definitions and metrics for biodiversity conservation and strengthening the integration of nature-based solutions into Peruโ€™s Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) (OU2), complemented by GEDSI-responsive implementation strategy (OU3). These foundational actions will pave the way for the development of a National Financing Strategy for Peruโ€™s Biodiversity (OU4), which will outline innovative financing mechanisms and set the stage for the design and piloting Habitat Banks (OU5), and the integration of biodiversity conservation into public debt instruments (OU6). Together, these efforts will establish a cohesive financial structure to support Peru's National Strategy for Biological Diversity (NBSAP), advancing progress toward the 30 by 30 roadmap goals.

Key expected outcomes include increased financial flows toward biodiversity conservation, strengthened institutional frameworks, and a more equitable distribution of social and economic benefits. By 2027, the project will have mobilized USD 500 million toward the sustainable management of 300,000 hectares of forests, providing a sustainable foundation for biodiversity conservation and climate resilience, directly benefiting the livelihoods of 500,000 people and contributing to the mitigation of up to 20 M tCO2e.


The Sustainable Finance Officer, who is based in Lima, Peru, will serve as the UK PACT ABCPA project's Sustainable Finance focal point. They will develop and structure sustainable finance mechanisms and instruments to incorporate biodiversity considerations into Peru's public instruments and normative frameworks, which will speed up the mobilization of private investments and international environmental finance.

S/he will report to the UK PACT ABCPA Project Manager of GGGI and work primarily with the Ministry of Environment's General Directorate of Environmental Economics and Finance and General Directorate of Biological Biodiversity, MEF and SERNANP, as well as other key project allies.


This vacancy is archived.

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