Mission and objectivesThe Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) is the Secretariat Department responsible for strengthening international human rights mechanisms; enhancing equality and countering discrimination; combating impunity and strengthening accountability and the rule of law; integrating human rights in development and in the economic sphere; widening the democratic space; and early warning and protection of human rights in situations of conflict, violence and insecurity.
ContextThe Social Forum is an annual meeting convened by the Human Rights Council. It is a unique space for open and interactive dialogue between civil society, representatives of Member States, and intergovernmental organizations, on a theme chosen by the Council each year. One of the key goals of the Forum is to promote social cohesion based on the principles of social justice, equity and solidarity as well as addressing the social dimension and challenges of the ongoing globalization process. In 2024, the Social Forum took place on 31 October and 1 November in Room XX, Palais des Nations, Geneva, with live streaming on UN Web TV. In accordance with resolution 53/20 of the Human Rights Council, it focuses on the contribution of financing for development to the advancement of all human rights for all. Expected start date: immediately, lasting for 3 weeks. https://www.ohchr.org/en/hrc-subsidiaries/social-forum https://www.ohchr.org/en/events/forums/2024/2024-social-forum
Task DescriptionThe online volunteers are expected to prepare an initial draft of the meeting report for the panel assigned to him/her. Each assignment corresponds to 1.5 hours meeting, and the expected outcome is a draft summary of about 1500 words. Audio and webcast recordings and automatic transcripts of the proceedings will be provided. Revision and re-submission may be requested before end of DoA depending on the quality of the submitted draft.
Competencies and values
Living conditions and remarks