The Alliance of Bioversity International ( and the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) ( delivers research-based solutions that harness agricultural biodiversity and sustainably transform food systems to improve people's lives. Alliance solutions address the global crisis of malnutrition, climate change, biodiversity loss, and environmental degradation.
With novel partnerships, the Alliance generates evidence and mainstream innovations to transform food systems and landscapes so that they sustain the planet, drive prosperity, and nourish people in a climate crisis.
The Alliance is part of CGIAR, a global research partnership for a food-secure future.
THE resilience building program for security food and nutrition in the Horn of Africa (BRIEFONS)
East designed as a follow -up phase of the Drought Resilience and Sustainable Livelihoods Programme ( DRSLP ) with the aim of improving the living standards of women, youth and the population in general. BREFONS is one of the programs priority identified under the Horn of Africa Initiative , a program regional which was prepared and designed for implementation in six countries, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, South Sudan and Sudan, by the African Development Bank (AfDB) , the Union European and the World Bank .ย
Djibouti is faced with importantย challenges linked to insecurity food and nutritional , exacerbated by its climate arid and semi - arid. The BREFONS project, supported by the African Development Fund (ADF) and implemented implemented by the Minister of Agriculture, Water, Livestock, Fisheries and Marine Resources, seeks to raise these challenges in leveraging digital technologies. To improve agricultural productivity and resilience.ย
The stone The cornerstone of the project is the development and dissemination of digital extension services, including agronomic advice, plant and animal health recommendations, and agricultural practices. climate - smart. These services will be provided through videos adapted to mobile phones and an answering system interactive voice (IVR) , targeting at least 150 agriculturalists , including 40% of women.ย
To measure the effectiveness of the project, it is essential to lead solid baseline and end - of-project surveys. These investigations will provide information essential on initial conditions, user preferences and impact behavioral aspects of the project's interventions. The results will guide implementation strategies implementation, will inform adjustments during the pilot phase and shape recommendations for the expansion of the initiative.
In this context, the CIAT (International Centre for Agriculture Tropical ) is looking for a qualified consultant to design and lead these investigations, in ensuring the collection of high- quality data to evaluate outcomes, impact and effectiveness overall project activities and approaches.ย
- Goalsย
The consultant will contribute to the successful implementation of the BREFONS project in Djibouti by:ย
- Establish baseline measurements : Realize a baseline survey to collect data on agricultural practices current, user preferences and initial conditions.ย
- Track changes in behavior : Track user satisfaction and behavior changes throughout the project using follow -up surveys structured .ย
- Assess the impact of the project : Realize a final survey to assess efficiency overall and the impact of project activities on beneficiaries targeted.ย
- Mandateย
The selected consultant will have to :ย
- Survey design and methodologyย
oย ย Develop tools investigation detailed (questionnaires and interview guides ).ย
oย ย Integrate gender and culturally sensitive issues relevant.ย
- Data collectionย
oย ย Conduct fieldwork in Tadjourah and Ali Sabieh with at least 150 producers (40% women).ย
oย ย Obtain consent enlightened participants.ย
- Data analysis and reportingย
oย ย Analyze collected data and prepare comprehensive reports for baseline, follow-up and end line surveys.ย
oย ย Present results and recommendations in user - friendly formats for project stakeholders.ย
- Workshops and validationย
oย ย Participate in workshops to co - create and validate the survey content and results.ย
- Commitment and Availabilityย
- Commitment and Availabilityย
- Workshops and validationย
- Data analysis and reportingย
- Data collectionย
- Survey design and methodologyย
- Assess the impact of the project : Realize a final survey to assess efficiency overall and the impact of project activities on beneficiaries targeted.ย
- Track changes in behavior : Track user satisfaction and behavior changes throughout the project using follow -up surveys structured .ย
- Establish baseline measurements : Realize a baseline survey to collect data on agricultural practices current, user preferences and initial conditions.ย