Resiliensia Diak Plus Endline Consultancy

Tags: climate change English translation language Environment
  • Added Date: Wednesday, 04 December 2024
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  • OverviewProject TitleResiliensia Diak plus (Good resilience Plus – ReDi+ Program)Implementing AgencyMercy CorpsDonor AgencyBHA USAIDType of StudyEndlineExpected start/end dates, number of workdaysFebruary 1st to March 31st 2025 - Total 17 working daysLocation Dili Timor Leste
    • Background:Mercy Corps is a leading global organization powered by the belief that a better world is possible. In disaster, in hardship, in more than 40 countries around the world, we partner to put bold solutions into action — helping people triumph over adversity and build stronger communities from within. Since establishing operations in Timor-Leste in 2007, we have earned a reputation for innovative and high-quality programming. We promote a community-led, market-based approach to addressing key challenges to improved wellbeing through greater resilience, resolved root causes of poverty, and inclusive economic growth.
      • Project DescriptionResiliensia Diak plus (Good resilience Plus – ReDi+ Program) is funded by Bureau Humanitarian Assistance (BHA) of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). ReDi+ targets to provide direct assistance to 8,450 households (48,165 individuals) across nine municipalities in Timor-Leste over the course of 36 months. The overall goal of the Resilensia Di’ak Plus program is for poor and vulnerable rural households in Timor-Leste to become more resilient in the face of recurring natural disasters. This goal aligns with the specific elements of BHA’s mission to alleviate human suffering and reduce the impact of disasters by helping people in need become more self-reliant. Three main Objective of the ReDi+ program are as follows:
        • Objective 1: By February 2025, 4,811 households in 40 Sucos will increase their resilience by effectively preparing for, mitigating, and adapting to disaster and climate change risks.
        • Objective 2: By February 2025, increase climate- and nutrition-sensitive agricultural production and aquaculture in 5,930 farming households across 68 Sucos within 9 municipalities in order to improve resilience and reduce food insecurity.
        • Objective 3: By February 2025, improve livelihoods and support critical market systems by increasing financial services and market engagement of 5,821 households across 68 Sucos within nine municipalities. ReDi+ interventions fall within the following overarching sectors:Sector 1Disaster Risk Reduction Policy and Practice (DRRPP)Sub SectorCommunity Awareness/Mobilization, Capacity Building and Training1. Percent of individuals receiving or recognizing a high likelihood of being severely affected by specific hazard 2. Percent of individuals who retain disaster preparedness, DRR and/or DRM skills and knowledges two months after training Sector 2AgricultureSub SectorIncrease Agricultural Productivity and Aquaculture3. Percentage of individual (beneficiaries) who received training who are practicing appropriate crop protection procedures4. Number of kilograms of Aquatic resources harvested5. Percentage increase in agricultural production and aquaculture production6. Number of individuals (beneficiaries) directly benefiting from improving agricultural production7. Number of individuals benefiting from fisheries/aquaculture activitiesSector 3Economic Recovery and Market SystemsSub Sector Financial Service, Market System Strengthening, and Livelihood Restoration1. Percent of financial service accounts/group supported by that are functioning properly2. Percent of beneficiaries reporting net income from their livelihood3. Change in level of market activity ReDi+ Geographic Area in Timor-Leste covers 9 municipalities, namely: Manatuto, Aileu, Manufahi, Liquica, Ermera, Bobonaro, Baucau Lautem and Oecussi.
          • PurposeThe purpose of the consultancy is to conduct an endline evaluation of the REDI+ program. This endline evaluation will assess overall program performance to answer the evaluation questions outlined in the section below against the list of DAC frameworks. The consultant will review indicator targets, aggregate program successes and lessons learned and provide recommendations for future programs by specifically answering the evaluation questions. This evaluation should be utilization-focused, as the follow-on REDI+ project will aim to implement feasible recommendations in the follow-on program/s. The evaluation aims to answer the following evaluation questions: Effectiveness
            • How well have the program objectives been achieved? And if not, why?
            • How well have the outputs of the program been achieved? And to what extent have they contributed to the program objectives?
            • How effective are the approaches and structures in delivering the desired outputs? How can they be improved? Efficiency
              • To what extent were the available technical and financial resources adequate to fulfill the project plans?
              • Did the program face any unforeseen problems? If so, how well were they dealt with?
              • Was there an effective process, built into the management structure for self-monitoring and assessment, reporting and reflection? How well did this mechanism or process work? Relevance
                • How well were the needs, problems, challenges and issues of the communities in the program area addressed by the design of the program?
                • To what extent is the project contributing to the strategic priorities, policies and plans of GoTL and other stakeholders.Sustainability
                  • How well is the approach used likely to ensure a continued benefit after the end of the project?
                  • How well are all key stakeholders sufficiently and effectively involved? And how well are their expectations met and are they satisfied with their level of participation?
                  • Are alternative or additional measures needed and, if so, what is required to ensure continued sustainability and positive impact? Impact
                    • Is the project bringing about desired changes in the behavior of people and institutions? If so, what is the extent of this change?

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