National Project Coordinator NOC (DC)

Tags: English Environment
  • Added Date: Friday, 10 May 2024
5 Steps to get a job in the United Nations

Grade: NOC

Publication date: 10 May 2024
Application deadline (Midnight Local Time Dar es salaam, Tanzania): 23 May 2024

Vacancy no.: DC/DAR/NO/2024/02

Job ID: 11956
Department: RO-Africa
Organization Unit: CO-Dar es Salaam
Location: Nairobi
Contract type: Fixed Term

The recruitment process for National Officer positions is subject to specific local recruitment and eligibility criteria.

The following are eligible to apply:

  • ILO Internal candidates in accordance with paragraphs 31 and 32 of Annex I of the Staff Regulations.
  • External candidates

    The ILO values diversity among its staff and welcomes applications from qualified female candidates. We also encourage applicants with disabilities. If you are unable to complete our online application form due to a disability, please send an email to

    *Conditions of employment for external candidates: In conformity with existing ILO practice, the appointment of an external candidate will normally be made at the first step of this grade. The entry level salary for this position is 9,077,797 (Kenyan Shilling) yearly.


    The ILO with catalytic financial support from Sida in Kenya has been implementing project titled โ€˜Inclusive Growth in the Great Rift Valley since May 2018.Due to the projectโ€™s positive impact, a second phase has been designed to ensure the continuity of the project for additional period of 48months starting July 2024. Phase 2 of the project will therefore be based on a market systems development (MSD) approach, combined with interventions aiming at systemic change in skills development and lifelong learning services, while, to the extent possible, building on the partnerships established during Phase 1.

    The overarching aim of the programme is to contribute to the inclusive and sustainable socio-economic development of the Great Rift Valley where the overall development objective is a contribution to employment creation and economic development through three outcome areas namely: a)enhanced employability and job access through vocational education and skills development, b)inclusive job opportunities in growing sustainable enterprises and value chains, and; c)enhanced community engagement towards inclusive and sustainable socio-economic development.

    The ILO is recruiting a National Project Coordinator who will be responsible for the overall implementation of the project, developing new partnerships, and quality control of reporting and communication. The National Project Coordinator will coordinate the implementation of all the project outcomes and activities, including those which will be implemented via implementation agreements.

    Reporting Lines

    The incumbent works under the direct supervision of the Director of ILO Country Office for the United Republic of Tanzania, Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, and Uganda in Dar es Salaam (CO-Dar es Salaam) and will be technically backstopped by the Employment Specialist based in CO-Dar es Salaam, the specialists for Skills Development and Lifelong Learning and for Sustainable Enterprises, Productivity and Just Transition in the Decent Work Technical Support Team in Pretoria. Additional technical backstopping will be provided by ILO technical experts at the Sida funded global Systems Change Initiative in the MSME Branch in ILO Headquarters. Further technical support will be provided on a need basis by other relevant departments at ILO Headquarters.

    Description of Duties

    • Lead the project timely implementation, monitoring and evaluation through management functions, including provision of technical and administrative supervision to the project team in line with the ILO policy, rules and regulations and according to the final project document and work plan.
    • Contribute proposals for programme/project development and serve as national programme advisor to the Directorate and draft portions of programme and budget proposals, project proposals, programme background, country strategy papers, objectives and project reviews and evaluation. Monitor progress of ILO programmes, projects and activities, by reviewing, verifying and analysing work-plans, progress reports, final reports and other data for clarity, consistency and completeness. Promote the inclusion of gender equality and non-discrimination in all aspects of the project.
    • Identify problems, propose solutions and action and follow-up with relevant departments at headquarters and regional office, executing agencies, government offices, constituents and other organizations to expedite implementation and meet targets.
    • Develop effective partnerships with line ministries, country governments, employers and workers organizations, private sector, as well as other non-state actors, including youth and women organizations working to implement and evaluate ILO programme on enterprise development.
    • Build the capacity of national implementing partners and support them in the development of programme activities in enterprise development related issues. Ensure the delivery of quality technical inputs, including qualitative and quantitative research in line with ILO core conventions on fundamental rights at work.
    • Maintain close cooperation and coordination with government, employers' and workers' organizations in the planning and implementation of activities mainstreaming gender and disability issues under the project. Initiate, plan and conduct missions and visits to monitor, assess and report on project implementation and propose corrective action.


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