Mission and objectivesWHO in the Western Pacific Together with 37 Member States and areas, we fight infectious diseases like dengue and malaria, and noncommunicable diseases like diabetes and heart disease. Through immunization campaigns and initiatives such as First Embrace, we help mothers and children survive and thrive. We ensure the safety of our environment, our air, our water and our food – all of which impact our health every day. We prepare for and rapidly respond to disasters and emergencies, never losing sight of the fact that we are dealing with issues of life and death. With the stakes so high, we strive for excellence in working to bring better health and well-being to the nearly 1.9 billion people of the Western Pacific Region.
ContextThe Western Pacific Region is prone to outbreaks caused by zoonotic disease. When an outbreak occurs, the public need to receive public health advice to keep themselves and their families safe. The materials developed through this assignment will be prepared according to the risk assessments done for various threats/hazards in the Region and are meant to be ready in-time for use in case the hazard/threat arises.
Task DescriptionWe are looking for Online Volunteers who under the guidance of Technical Officer, Risk Communication and in close collaboration with the communications team support us by producing graphic designs (animations) for a zoonosis campaign. The draft storyboards and script are cleared and will be provided by WHO. In particular, the Online Volunteer is asked to: - Animate storyboard for anthrax (1 min); - Animate storyboard for avian influenza (1 min); - Animate storyboard for leptospirosis (1 min); - Animate storyboard for norovirus (1 min); - Animate storyboard for rabies (1 min); - Support the packaging of all campaign materials, as mentioned above, in the right formats for easy dissemination. The design/layout should follow our corporate design guidelines which will be shared with the Online Volunteers in advance.
Competencies and values
Living conditions and remarks