Overview (quick description of the funded project and its context):
UNITAR’s Green Development and Climate Change Programme Unit (GCP) develops the capacities of individuals and training institutions in developing countries to advance green and climate resilient development. Activities are carried out through partnerships with other UN organizations, bilateral development partners, as well as leading learning institutions and think tanks. The Programme is a consortium partner of the IKI-funded Facility for Action for Climate Empowerment to achieve Nationally Determined Contributions (FACE-NDC), a five-member consortium initiative on climate change education.
The FACE-NDC project supports the National Climate Change Learning Strategy (NCCLS, 2019) implementation and strengthens individual and institutional capacities in Zambia to deliver on climate change, such as to develop integrated and cross-sectoral capacity-building and educational programmes that help actualize the NDC mitigation priorities with adaptation co-benefits; and general education and skills development. UNITAR is the lead agency for the green economy and transition of the project. It will conduct skills assessments for private and public professionals within the areas of forestry, agriculture and renewable energy; support assessments conducted for schools, teachers, technical and vocational trainings and others; and ensure that identified gaps are addressed through effective project activities, including strengthening learning materials and university degrees and through short courses (physical and virtual). UNITAR will act as a co-lead in terms of project communications and in the development of digital, co-created content incorporating behavioural science techniques. General objectives of the contract:
The main objective of this contract is to provide in-country support and support coordination of training and skills development of the project. The Individual Contractor will support the drafting of the skills development action plan for the public sector as well as support the organisation of skills assessments in the private sector. The Individual Contractor will ensure technical quality of project skills assessments and development of training content and resources as well as provide support to consortium partners in that area.
Responsibilities/description of professional services:
Under the direct supervision and guidance of the Training Specialist, the Individual Contractor will be responsible for the following tasks:
- Support with the preparation and implementation of capacity development plans in the public sector according to the results of the skills assessment in the NDC priority sectors: Energy, Forestry and Agriculture to ensure necessary skills and capacities to support the green transition.
- Support the contracting of a national consultant to conduct the assessment of the local learning institutions capacity to deliver learning on green economy and climate change from the identified gaps from the completed skills assessment.
The incumbent will report to the Training Specialist, Green Development and Climate Change Unit, Division for Planet.