Editing and proof-reading for UNICEF ECARO

Tags: language
  • Added Date: Monday, 23 December 2024
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Mission and objectives Ensuring equal opportunities for children is one of the most important tasks for UNICEF both in Kazakhstan and around the world. This means protecting the rights of children for the survival, development and full implementation of their potential in accordance with the Convention on the Rights of the Child, which Kazakhstan acceded to in 1994. For more than two decades, UNICEF has been working closely with the Government, local governments and civil society to strengthen children's rights and ensure equal access to quality social services, primarily health and education. The social agenda of Kazakhstan is aimed at protecting the rights of children. Close attention is paid to children from the most vulnerable groups, including children with mental and physical disabilities. Currently, the next five-year program (2016-2020) of cooperation between the Government of Kazakhstan and UNICEF is being implemented.

ContextEvaluation section of the Regional Office of UNICEF needs support with the editing, copy-editing and proof-reading of the Technical Note on Hard-to-reach population

Task DescriptionEvaluation section of the Regional Office of UNICEF is looking for an Online Volunteer to support us in proof-reading and editing of \"UNICEF ECARO: Comparative cross-country analysis of evaluation policies and systems in five Central Asian countries (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan)\" Report. Within delegated authority, the editor will be responsible for the following duties: • Edit, copy-edit and proof-read the draft evaluation-related products (using track changes) and generate final versions that will be ready for design and publication. The editing process will include a revision of the current text with tables and figures to achieve an optimal flow of information and presentation of the findings. • Re-draft and synthetize sections of the drafted text to attain their easy readability and understanding, particularly, to non-expert audiences in consultation with UNICEF evaluation staff. • Prepare a list of proposed changes to figures in Word. • Check spelling for correctness and conformity to language requirements (UK English). • Check grammar (verb-subject agreement, dangling participles, incorrect or unclear use of pronouns, etc.) and punctuation for correctness and consistency. • Check that word usage is appropriate. • Eliminate abbreviations as far as possible and ensure that essential abbreviations are spelt out at the first mention. • Delete excessive italic, boldface and quotation marks. • Ensure that numbers and units of measurement are used appropriately and consistently. • Check the spelling and presentation of member States' names. • Check other proper names (cities, international conventions, conferences, nongovernmental organizations, named individuals, etc.). • Edit chapter titles, subheadings and table and figure legends for brevity, consistency and parallel construction, and check numbering if appropriate. • Check formatting of chapters, sections, subsections, paragraphs, lists (e.g. with bullet points) and table and figure captions for consistency. • Ensure that all cross-references to chapters, sections, subsections, tables and figures are correct. • Monitor paragraph length and content. Eliminate verbatim repetition of text, tables or figures and cut out redundant passages. • Check for and eliminate or query discriminatory language. • Edit or prepare a table of contents where necessary. • Consult with author(s) and ensure carrying out research to clarify ambiguities and rectify errors. Communication will be either through emails or teams.

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