Forests and agroforestry ecosystems roles support community livelihoods, controlling soil erosion, protecting water catchments and supplying other goods and ecological services. For sustianlble management of the forest ecosystems and landscapes, the Rwanda Forestry Authority (RFA) has been establsiehd to promote sustainable forestry and agroforestry practices and biodiversity conservation. Planting materials are considered pivotal in forest policy to contribute to sustainable management and conservation of forests and agroforestry landscapes. The unavailability of tree planting materials both in quantity and quality is one of the main barriers to tree planting and , restoration in different agro-ecological regions of the country. To address this problem, farmers, government project managers and development partners need a reliable supply of a diverse range of tree reproductive materials for forestry, agroforestry and restoration activities in their zones.To enhance our approach towards sourcing, managing, and utilizing tree reproductive materials, we seek the expertise of a consultant to develop a comprehensive Tree Reproductive Materials strategy.
The primary objective of this consultancy is to develop a Tree Reproductive Materials Strategy to support and ensure proper implementation of forestry policy actions (2018) and agroforestry strategy and action plan (2018-2027) while promoting sustainability, improve forestry management and plant diversity. Specifically, the strategy should:
- Assess current practices and challenges related to the sourcing, management, and utilization of tree reproductive materials.
- Clearly identify and/or define, with RFA, the priority goods (e.g., lumber, fuelwood, non-wood forest products such as fodder, fruits, medicines, etc. ) and environmental services (e.g., carbon sequestration, soil and water protection, biodiversity, livelihoods, etc.) expected from planted forests. The desired outcomes should inform the new Tree Reproductive Material Strategy. Recommend strategies for sustainable sourcing, propagation, storage, and conservation of tree reproductive materials.
- Define quality standards for tree seeds and outline protocols for quality control, monitoring, and evaluation of tree reproductive materials.
- Provide guidelines for the equitable and ethical engagement with local communities in sourcing tree reproductive materials.
- Suggest measures for promoting genetic diversity and resilience in tree populations, ensuring adaptability,ecological stability, and enhanced environmental services (i.e., outcomes).
- Draw recommendation for the sustainable management and administration of planting materials ensuring the quality and certification.
The consultant will be responsible for the following tasks:
- Conduct a comprehensive review of existing literature, policies, and programs related to tree reproductive materials at the national and international levels.
- Identify any missing components or areas of improvement in the current Tree Reproductive Material Strategy.
- Provide recommendations on how to address these gaps to enhance the strategy's effectiveness.
- Perform an Implementation Review of the current Tree Reproductive Material strategy and identify areas of opportunity for anchoring the TRM strategy within legal and regulatory frameworks to enable implementation at scale.
- Analyze the current status of tree reproductive materials management, including genetic diversity, mapping of practitioners, source identification and selection, conservation of genetic resources, capacity (skills, technology, and equipment) and Research, Monitoring and Evaluation, climate change adaptation, breeding and improvement programs.
- Assessing the current supply chain of tree reproductive materials, including identification of potential gaps and inefficiencies.
- Conduct a SWOT analysis for the tree reproductive materials supply chain, considering opportunities to enhance the multiple benefits and priority outcomes (e.g., livelihoods, reduced soil erosion and nutrient depletion, etc.) of restoration and reforestation initiatives.
- Assess and strategize the role of the private sector in the Tree Seed Supply Value Chain, including opportunities for designing public-private partnerships and outcome-based payments, among other financial mechanisms.
- Identify capacity-building needs of the staff of the end-user unit and among stakeholders involved in tree reproductive materials management, including technical skills, institutional capacity, and policy frameworks.
- Partner with WRI to co-facilitate workshops or meetings with the end-user unit at RFA and consultations with and involvement of different partners/ stakeholders at every stage of deliverables for feedback and refinement of the draft strategy.
- Finalize the Tree Reproductive Materials Strategy based on feedback received and incorporate any necessary revisions.
The consultant is expected to deliver the following: