Consultant - Regulatory Framework for household and hazardous waste

Tags: Law finance English Environment
  • Added Date: Tuesday, 06 August 2024
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Post of Duty: Washington - Headquarters

The IDB Group is a community of diverse, versatile, and passionate people who come together on a journey to improve lives in Latin America and the Caribbean. Our people find purpose and do what they love in an inclusive, collaborative, agile, and rewarding environment.

About this position

We are looking for a consultant to provide Consultancy Services for the assistance to the Environmental Authorities to further Develop the Regulatory Framework for Household and Hazardous Waste Standards, Guidelines, Best practices and Compliance.

You will work in the Water and Sanitation Division (WSA), which is part of the Department of Infrastructure and Energy. WSA seeks to ensure universal and sustainable access to high-quality water, sanitation, and solid waste management services to contribute to the sustainable economic growth of the IDB member countries of Latin America and the Caribbean and to the improvement of the quality of life of its citizens.

What youโ€™ll do

Scope of Services

This assignment focuses on the following two specific activities:

i) Development of regulatory framework that includes standards, guidelines and best practices that will complement the existing standard for waste collection and processing โ€œSSB 010:2019 - Part 1: Collection of Household, Medical, Industrial, Separated and Bulky wasteโ€ and will focus on the operations of current dumpsites, controlled dumpsites, manual sanitary landfills and engineered sanitary landfills; including entrance regulations, waste testing, acceptance procedures and related environmental and health protection measures.

ii) Development of regulatory framework that includes standards and compliance mechanisms for managing and treating of hazardous waste to complement the existing standard for waste collection and processing โ€œSSB 010:2019 - Part 1: Collection of Household, Medical, Industrial, Separated and Bulky wasteโ€ by expanding any gaps in definition & classification of hazardous waste streams, operational procedures for separation & safe collection, and include sections covering the treatment, storage, safe disposal and management of hazardous waste streams that provides protection for the environment and human health.

Key tasks

Task 1: Virtual Kick-off meeting with IDB and involved counterparts

Task 2: Short Inventory of waste production and actual collection, storage, treatment, recycling and final deposit system.

  • Concise inventory and update of existing situation with respect to household waste and health care waste in the country, actual dumpsite/landfill operations, waste quantities and destinations, location of existing dumpsites/landfills, based on existing information with authorities, NIMOS, IDB, University and other sources. Short site visits can be necessary to Ornamibo and one site in another region. Household waste production quantities, the distribution over the country (cities and districts), waste characterization figures, collection and the final destinations are described in various recent reports (IWMP, earlier IDB reports).
  • Limited inventories also are available of the actual situation with respect to hazardous waste generation, sources, composition, limited indication of estimated quantities, treatment procedures, existing treatment, handling and storage (see also IWMP, UNIDO, IDB report). Inventory should be based on the existing information in earlier reports, limited site visits and interviews. Interviews relevant authorities and knowledge institutes, NGOโ€™s, companies, laboratories, waste recycling companies, site visits, etc.

    Task 3: Gap analysis existing regulations for household waste depositing and hazardous waste management. Detailed screening and Gap analysis of the existing Regulatory Framework with emphasis on:

    i) Household waste operations at final deposits sites, dumpsites/landfills, separation, acceptance procedures, financial mechanisms, authorities involved, control and inspection, enforcement, including health care waste;

    ii) Hazardous waste procedures, especially classification and definitions, the processing, final destination, control and enforcement.

    Main existing Regulatory Framework and sources of information to be analysed:

    • โ€œSSB 010:2019 - Part 1: Collection of Household, Medical, Industrial, Separated and Bulky wasteโ€;
    • Environmental Framework Act (2020);
    • Integrated Waste Management Plan (IWMP);
    • Baseline study Ornamibo for the Design and Assessment of the BATโ€BEP Solid Waste Demonstration Project in Paramaribo (UNIDO 2018)
    • Studies carried out for IDB and environmental profiles for EU and IDB;
    • International conventions and regulations ratified by Suriname;

      Task 4: Organization of stakeholder meetings, discussions sessions with authorities. In order to meet best the exact requirements and objectives of the authorities the organization of workshops and discussion sessions with technical experts and final responsible persons at the Surinamese authorities is necessary. Workshop-1 will be organized to complete the inventory phase and to define the details about the required outputs in open discussion with the competent authorities.

      Task 5: Preparation of detailed texts proposals for inclusion in the main text of SSB 01:2019 and prepare separate guidelines, standards and procedures with respect to:

      i) Improved operations of current dumpsites, controlled dumpsites, manual sanitary landfills and engineered sanitary landfills. The standards, guidelines and procedures should at least include the following issues (to be described in detail in the methodology of proposal and completed and finetuned in the inception phases and in agreement with the authorities):

      a) Future Sanitary Landfills: Siting and location parameters, design and construction guidelines (e.g. environmental protection measures such as impermeable layers to protect subsoil, drainage systems for leachate, gas extraction system, maximum height etc.);

      b) Dumpsites and future SLFโ€™s:

      • Acceptance
        1. classification of household waste for acceptance at the sanitary landfill/dumpsite and entrance-acceptance standards (e.g. only household and bulky waste, no hazardous, infectious, nuclear etc.);
        2. entrance-acceptance regulations for waste transporters (e.g. visual inspection, inspection of vehicle registration, inspection of paperwork, waste testing, quantification/weighing procedures;

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