Consultant - ISSD Seed Policy Review - Remote

Tags: Law English language Environment
  • Added Date: Thursday, 09 January 2025
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Mercy Corps is a leading global organization powered by the belief that a better world is possible. In disaster, in hardship, in more than 40 countries around the world, we partner to put bold solutions into action โ€” helping people triumph over adversity and build stronger communities from within.

ISSD Africa is an international community of practice guiding seed sector innovation and development by addressing Africaโ€™s complex seed systems challenges, with the aim of enhancing access to quality seeds of farmer-preferred varieties. The four-year ISSD Africa project funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), seeks to address key seed sector challenges through four action research topics. Mercy Corps leads two important research Action Learning Projects (ALPs) on the ISSD grant, Humanitarian and seed security response in fragile and conflict-affected states (ALP2) and Seed business development in fragile contexts (ALP3). Mercy Corps and SeedSystem co-lead ALP2 and Mercy Corps leads ALP3, in collaboration with various stakeholders. This program is managed through Mercy Corpsโ€™ Food Security Technical Resources & Quality (TRaQ) unit.

Purpose / Project Description:

In fragile and conflict-affected contexts, seed interventions are often a part of humanitarian and development responses. However, there is often a disconnect between the approaches these actors take, which can lead to weakened seed sector functions in the long term. To avoid these pitfalls, consensus is needed amongst humanitarian and development actors and policy makers on what elements make seed sector interventions effective in conflict contexts, and how these interventions might contribute to longer-term peace outcomes. Currently, there are a range of different principles, guidelines, practices and standards for implementing seed sector interventions in humanitarian and development contexts. These guides aim to increase the effectiveness of seed responses while not only doing no harm but doing good. However, many actors do not adhere to these standards, either because they are not contextualized to their regions, they are not aware of them, or they lack incentives for upholding them.

Under ALP2, Mercy Corps, SeedSystem and partners aim to engage and mobilize humanitarian, development and peacebuilding (HDP) actors behind the adoption and implementation of better practice and guidelines; to deepen understanding of what factors make seed sector interventions effective in fragile and conflict-affected contexts; and to determine how seed interventions can contribute to positive peace outcomes. In contribution to this outcome, a consultant is needed to lead a review of the official policies, laws, regulations and technical guidelines that contribute to the shaping of seed security response.

Consultant Objectives:

The consultant will research and compile information regarding official policies, laws, regulations and technical guidelines that contribute to the shaping of seed security response in emergency and conflict contexts. They will also identify official policies and technical guidelines that link seed security response to peacebuilding initiatives. (See Annex 1 โ€“ Technical Scope for further details).

Consultant Activities:

The Consultant will:

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