Mercy Corps is a leading global organization powered by the belief that a better world is possible. In disaster, in hardship, in more than 40 countries around the world, we partner to put bold solutions into action โ helping people triumph over adversity and build stronger communities from within.
ISSD Africa is an international community of practice guiding seed sector innovation and development by addressing Africaโs complex seed systems challenges, with the aim of enhancing access to quality seeds of farmer-preferred varieties. The four-year ISSD Africa project funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), seeks to address key seed sector challenges through four action research topics. Mercy Corps leads two important research Action Learning Projects (ALPs) on the ISSD grant, Humanitarian and seed security response in fragile and conflict-affected states (ALP2) and Seed business development in fragile contexts (ALP3). Mercy Corps and SeedSystem co-lead ALP2 and Mercy Corps leads ALP3, in collaboration with various stakeholders. This program is managed through Mercy Corpsโ Food Security Technical Resources & Quality (TRaQ) unit.
Purpose / Project Description:
In fragile and conflict-affected contexts, seed interventions are often a part of humanitarian and development responses. However, there is often a disconnect between the approaches these actors take, which can lead to weakened seed sector functions in the long term. To avoid these pitfalls, consensus is needed amongst humanitarian and development actors and policy makers on what elements make seed sector interventions effective in conflict contexts, and how these interventions might contribute to longer-term peace outcomes. Currently, there are a range of different principles, guidelines, practices and standards for implementing seed sector interventions in humanitarian and development contexts. These guides aim to increase the effectiveness of seed responses while not only doing no harm but doing good. However, many actors do not adhere to these standards, either because they are not contextualized to their regions, they are not aware of them, or they lack incentives for upholding them.
Under ALP2, Mercy Corps, SeedSystem and partners aim to engage and mobilize humanitarian, development and peacebuilding (HDP) actors behind the adoption and implementation of better practice and guidelines; to deepen understanding of what factors make seed sector interventions effective in fragile and conflict-affected contexts; and to determine how seed interventions can contribute to positive peace outcomes. In contribution to this outcome, a consultant is needed to lead a review of the official policies, laws, regulations and technical guidelines that contribute to the shaping of seed security response.
Consultant Objectives:
The consultant will research and compile information regarding official policies, laws, regulations and technical guidelines that contribute to the shaping of seed security response in emergency and conflict contexts. They will also identify official policies and technical guidelines that link seed security response to peacebuilding initiatives. (See Annex 1 โ Technical Scope for further details).
Consultant Activities:
The Consultant will:
Complete preparatory/inception activities
Prepare a technical inception report indicating clear understanding of the SoW
Draft workplan for carrying out this work (tasks, timelines, intermediate and final outputs)
Draft methodology/framework for the policy review, including defining search terms to use; types of guidance and interventions to include; sources of evidence; and databases to consult.
Confirm, validate and finalize workplan with ALP2 co-leads.
Conduct a rigorous policy review and document findings
Carry out literature review of seed policy, laws and technical guidelines relevant to seed security response in emergency and conflict-affected contexts (see Annex 1 โ Technical Scope)
Draft broad outline of report. Gather and incorporate feedback from ALP2 co-leads
Write first draft of the report
Liaise with ALP2 co-leads to identify report reviewers and gather feedback. Incorporate feedback, share with reviewers for 2nd round comments and finalize report (approx. 30 pages, including Executive Summary)
Liaise with ALP2 co-leads and communications team on final formatting and design of report
Compile a bibliographic database (on Dropbox, Google Drive, or similar) which includes all documents and literature consulted
Support dissemination of report findings
Contribute to dissemination plan, including initial websites/newsletters where document should be posted (with assistance from MC and ISSD communications); stakeholders who should be informed; events and other fora relevant for sharing document
Develop slide deck presentation with speaker notes/script to share key findings of the review
Present findings in select fora
Misc participation in ISSD ALP2 activities, as requested and agreed upon in advance
Attendance at online ISSD partner meetings/gatherings
Inputs to presentations, briefs, etc., for public presentation
Other activities to be identified and agreed to by consultant and ALP2 co-leads
Consultant Deliverables:
Inception reports explaining the understanding of the SoW, draft and final workplan and methodology/framework (with justification) for desk review
Draft and final report outline
Draft reports (at least two rounds of feedback)
Final report (approx. 30 pages, including Executive Summary) which summarizes and synthesizes:
What types of official policies exist that might shape seed security response, including in conflict areas;
What technical guidelines exist that might shape seed security response, including in conflict areas;
Any official guidelines or technical guidelines beyond โdo no harm that links peacebuilding and seed security interventions
Bibliographic database which compiles documents and literature consulted
Dissemination plan, including list of websites, stakeholders, events and other fora for awareness raising
Slide deck presentation with speaker notes
Timeframe / Schedule:
Total 21 days January 2025 โ April 2025
The Consultant will report to:
Seed Systems Senior Advisor, PRO-WASH & SCALE and ISSD Africa
The Consultant will work closely with:
SeedSystem, ALP2 Co-lead
Snr Director Food Security, TRaQ
Technical Director, PRO-WASH & SCALE and ISSD Africa
Global Market Systems Advisor, PRO-WASH & SCALE
Operations Officer, PRO-WASH & SCALE (Invoices)
Required Experience & Skills:
Minimum of 5 years of work or research experience in seed systems and/or seed aid with a significant focus on policy and technical guidance
Masterโs Degree or higher (ongoing participation in PhD program or completed PhD is a plus)
In-depth knowledge of and prior experience researching seed policy and seed security interventions, including evidence of reports or referred publications
Proven experience conducting desk reviews and consultations, synthesizing evidence and analyzing data, and producing reports (preferably including for iNGOs)
Fluency in English (required)
Fluency in French a plus
Demonstrated organizational skills, time management and attention to detail; ability to work independently and with team members to meet deadlines and adhere to high-quality standards
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
Achieving our mission begins with how we build our team and work together. Through our commitment to enriching our organization with people of different origins, beliefs, backgrounds, and ways of thinking, we are better able to leverage the collective power of our teams and solve the worldโs most complex challenges. We strive for a culture of trust and respect, where everyone contributes their perspectives and authentic selves, reaches their potential as individuals and teams, and collaborates to do the best work of their lives.
We recognize that diversity and inclusion is a journey, and we are committed to learning, listening and evolving to become more diverse, equitable and inclusive than we are today.
Equal Employment Opportunity
We are committed to providing an environment of respect and psychological safety where equal employment opportunities are available to all. We do not engage in or tolerate discrimination on the basis of race, color, gender identity, gender expression, religion, age, sexual orientation, national or ethnic origin, disability (including HIV/AIDS status), marital status, military veteran status or any other protected group in the locations where we work.
Safeguarding & Ethics
Mercy Corps team members are expected to support all efforts toward accountability, specifically to our stakeholders and to international standards guiding international relief and development work, while actively engaging communities as equal partners in the design, monitoring and evaluation of our field projects. Team members are expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner and respect local laws, customs and MC's policies, procedures, and values at all times and in all in-country venues.
Annex 1 | Technical Scope
Review of Current Policies Shaping: Emergency Seed and/or Agricultural Interventions in Conflict Areas
sub-focus on peacebuilding and seed security interventions
Aim is to determine:
What types of official policies exist that might shape seed security response, including in conflict areas
What technical guidance exists that might shape seed security response, including in conflict areas
Any official guidance or technical guidance beyond โdo no harm that links peacebuilding and seed security interventions
Technical scope:
Policies, laws and guidance concerning emergency seed security interventions
Conflict-linked policies that could shape (enhance and/or impinge upon) emergency seed security interventions
Policy and technical guidance linking peacebuilding efforts to seed security interventions:
Types of policy arenas to be reviewed:
Seed policy as it is implemented in emergency (e.g., focus on emergency clauses)
FAO diverse departments, select NARS (e.g., in Ethiopia), select organizations (e.g., ICRC)
Seed laws
General agricultural policy, if strong seed component
General emergency guidelines, as they pertain to inputs (including seed)
International standards (FAO Emergency, Ten Guiding Principles of Good Seed Aid, SEADS, etc.)
Plant Genetic Resources, Farmer Rights, and Emergency Situations
Conflict and emergency aid guidelines, as they may impact seed security or explicitly include seed interventions