Mission and objectivesUNDP is the UN’s global development network whose focus is to help countries build and share solutions to the challenges of sustainable development as informed by the 2030 sustainable development agenda. The overall focus for UNDP Tanzania is to support the Government of Tanzania to improve lives of the people through strategic programmatic areas of Inclusive Democratic Governance, Inclusive Economic Growth and Sustainable Livelihoods and Environment Sustainability, Climate Change and Resilience.
ContextAs one of the original eight pilot countries for the UN Reform initiative Delivering as One, Tanzania is a global leader in advancing reforms of the UN system, with a view to support accelerated harmonization in implementation practices, coherence in programming, and alignment with national systems, intended to produce a reduction in transaction costs and enhanced development impact. Deepening reform will require new and even more innovative ways for the UN agencies to work together. Programme planning, resource mobilization, evaluation, and review activities will be done collaboratively. There will be increased harmonization of UN policies, procedures, and tools, possibly leading towards the establishment of a One UN Operations Team UNDP Tanzania has implemented a systematic approach to its development initiatives, restructuring its operational framework through a portfolio strategy. This strategic shift aims to facilitate a holistic view of intended impacts and foster a coherent and integrated approach towards their realization.
Task DescriptionUnder the guidance and supervision of the Human Resources Associate, the online volunteer will ensure execution of transparent and efficient undertaking of the assignment, promotes a collaborative and client-oriented approach. The online volunteers will: Updating and converting existing documents (TORs/JDs) from old templates to new, standardized templates. • This role must ensure confidentiality, consistency, accuracy, and alignment with current organizational standards and guidelines. • Each volunteer will be assigned with certain number of documents which he or she will have to complete as per the agreed schedule. • Each volunteer will have to attend the assignment induction on what is the expected output from the task at the Country Office.
Competencies and values
Living conditions and remarks