Mission and objectivesPromotion of Sustainable Development in Donga Mantung Association was officially recognized by the Government of Cameroon in 2006 under authorization No. 152/E.27/750/BAPP/PS. In 2024, it achieved Special Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council, focusing on sustainable development, climate change mitigation, and migration assistance. The association was registered as an Extra-Provincial Corporation in Alberta, Canada, in 2024. On October 15, 2024, it adopted the name Promotion of Sustainable Development in Donga Mantung Association Canada Ltd for use in Alberta-Canada. Our Mission: We empower our members by improving living conditions, promoting biodiversity, restoring landscapes, assisting newcomers, and addressing climate change through sustainable practices. Our Main Objectives: Ameliorate the living conditions of our members. Promote and encourage biodiversity conservation. Support the restoration of degraded landscapes (farms, water sources, forests, etc.) through tree planting and growing. Provide migration assistance to newcomers in Canada. Validate actions that adapt to and mitigate climate change.
Context We need online volunteers who can assist our institution in supporting our social media content and management by helping us produce teaching materials and graphics. The teaching materials inform of research articles will be in line with the objectives of PROSDOMA for our target audience. The teaching materials will highlight information on boosting agricultural activities, fighting climate change, protecting the environment, encouraging biodiversity conservation, fighting illegal exploitation of the forest and encouraging sustainable migration policies.
Task DescriptionWe are seeking four online volunteers who can manage our social media account. Each volunteer is expected to complete of of the following task: - Make research on articles that relate the objectives of ROSDOMA. (Biodiversity conservation, sustainable food production, fighting climate change, promoting sustainable migration policies and boosting agriculture. - Designing five graphics related to researched articles weekly. - Write short note on researched articles and graphic designs for our social media page. - Post graphics and written articles on our social media account.
Competencies and values
Living conditions and remarks