Hiring Office:
UNFPA CO in Uzbekistan
Purpose of consultancy:
After successful completion of the 4-years piloting of HPV DNA cervical cancer screening project in the Republic of Karakalpakstan and Chirchik city, UNFPA supported the Ministry of Health by sharing the results and recommendations for development of the National Strategy on elimination of the cervical cancer screening. The document served as a platform for fruitful collaboration and issuance of the President decree at the end of 2024.ย
In 2025 UNFPA continues supporting the Ministry of Health in implementing the roadmap followed the President decree to ensure national cervical cancer screening is accessible and efficient. The first step is to organize the coordination centers at the national and regional levels based in Republican Scientific and Practical Medical Center of Mother and Child Health and regional branches of the center (hereinafter, Centers), align capacity of the staff with roadmap requirements, organize overall coordination of the nationwide screening process.ย
The purpose of the national coordinatorsย is to deploy the roadmap through overall planning, coordination, and monitoring of the screening process at all levels.
Scope of work:
(Description of services, activities, or outputs)
Coordinator for organizational part:
- Toย get acquainted with the roadmap, results of the previous projects, and overall situation in the country in terms of cervical cancer prevention
- To develop an action plan to deploy the roadmap at the national and regional levels with the list of required resources including HR and equipment
- To develop an organigram for the national, regional and PHC level and update the functional responsibilities for relevant staff to reflect cervical cancer screening functions
- To coordinate the logistic and administrative arrangements to ensure coordination centers are fully functional
- To organize the logistic paths for samples between PHC facilities, Centers, and Oncology centers
- To organize and lead discussions and meeting at all levels to get respective facilities/staff are fully aware about the roadmap steps and functional responsibilities
- Toย manage an official communication and lead information exchange with and between national and international stakeholders involved in cervical and breast cancer screening (CC&BC screening)
- To coordinate donorsโย investments to the national CC&BC screening programme to ensure comprehensiveness of joint actions and avoiding overlapping and gaps
- To coordinate procurement of the equipment and required disposables to ensure efficient and effective screening process
- To follow up on data generation and to coordinate data collection and analysisย
- To prepare regular updates and reports on the processes and results for the respective agencies
- To participate in the meetings and conferences representing the Ministry of Health in area of CC&BC screening
Duration and working schedule:
The work is expected to start on 20 January and end on 20 July 2025.ย
The coordinators are expected to work 10 days per month each to deliver results as per the list of responsibilities above
Place where services are to be delivered:
Coordinators are expected to work in Tashkent city, online and offline. UNFPA will not cover expenses related to the local and international travel if such needs ariseย
Delivery dates and how work will be delivered (e.g. electronic, hard copy etc.):
Deliverables for the Coordinator for organizational part:
- Agreed work plan for PD 402 implementation
- Established centers at national and regional level with fully functional staff and equipment
- Well identified logistic paths for transportation of samples from testing facility to the respective center and referral system for patients from PHC level to Oncology centers
- Coordination unit is well represented at the national and international conferences and meetingsย
- The lab equipment and disposables are in place
- Monthly updates are submitted to the Ministry of Healthย and UNFPA
- Monthly reports are submitted to the Ministry of Health and UNFPAย
Monitoring and progress control, including reporting requirements, periodicity format and deadline:
- Monitoring of the process will be done by the responsible focal point from the Ministry of Health and UNFPA NPO on SRH on a regular basis
- Electronic version of the report should be submitted not later than 3 days after completion of work
- Language of the Report and presentations:ย Russian
Supervisory arrangements:ย
- The coordinators will work under the direct supervision of and report to the responsible focal point from the Ministry of Health and UNFPA NPO on SRH
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Expected travel:
UNFPA will cover quarterly monitoring trips toย the selected regions during this consultancy in line with financial guideline developed for Vision2030 programme.ยRequired expertise, qualifications and competencies, including language requirements:
The expertise/qualifications of the national coordinators:
- Master degree in OB&GYN, oncology, medicine and/or public health;
- Professional knowledge and experience of Cervical cancer prevention
- Knowledge of national system of service provision including oncology
- Strong knowledge of the health systems; knowledge of SRH is an asset;ย
- Project management knowledge and skills
- Strong knowledge of national and international stakeholders;
- Strong communication and reporting skillsย
Inputs/services to be provided by UNFPA or implementing partner (e.g support services, office space, equipment), if applicable:
UNFPA will provide necessary support in providing translation during meetings with international stakeholders when needed.
Payment will be done on monthly basis upon submission of monthly report by each coordinator.
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