Mission and objectivesUN Women, grounded in the vision of equality enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations, works for the elimination of discrimination against women and girls; the empowerment of women; and the achievement of equality between women and men as partners and beneficiaries of development, human rights, humanitarian action and peace and security.
ContextDenim Day takes place every year on the last Wednesday of April, which is Sexual Assault Awareness Month. This day of action and awareness is an event in which people are encouraged to wear denim to combat victim blaming and educate others about sexual violence. The day comes following a high-profile Italian rape trial where the survivor was blamed for her rape because of the type of jeans she was wearing. This year, UN Women Moldova aims to mark Denim Day with an online art campaign to raise awareness of the effects of Sexual Assault and to share a message of solidarity with survivors. Within this scope, UN Women Moldova Country Office is looking for Online Volunteers (Illustrators, Graphic designers) to create compelling digital art pieces that illustrate themes related to Denim Day (e.g. sexual violence, victim-blaming, the importance of consent). The volunteers are expected to provide the art pieces together with written a narrative, which will be further the story telling aspect of the campaign. It is essential that the art pieces respect the principles of do-no-harm and reflect the core principles of respect and dignity of survivors. Thus, art depicting violence or that in any other way risk re-traumatizing survivors of violence will not be accepted. Detailed guidelines will be provided by UN Women Moldova.
Task DescriptionUN Women Moldova is looking for up to 15 online volunteers who, under guidance of UN Women Communications team, will be responsible for creating and editing digital art pieces reflecting the theme of Denim Day. The online volunteers are also responsible for writing a short narrative for the art pieces, maximum 60 words. Specifically, each online volunteer is asked to: • Provide one final art piece (or pieces) in PNG and editable format. • A text in English (or Romanian or Russian) to narrate the art piece, maximum 60 words. Tentative timeline of the assignment: 13th April - Delivery of first draft of visual and narrative. 14th April – UN Women Moldova office provides feedback. 17th April – Delivery of final visual and narrative. 18th April – 10 May – Potential resizing and changes as requested by UN Women office. By submitting the final art pieces, the online volunteer agrees to let UN Women use it as deemed fit. UN Women will provide credit to the artist.
Competencies and values
Living conditions and remarks