Volatile food prices, climate-change-driven shocks, conflict, economic downturns, and high population growth continue to raise serious concerns about food security and nutrition in many parts of the world. The Food Security Portal (FSP), facilitated by IFPRI with support from the European Commission, provides open access to comprehensive, country-level information on food security issues and policy developments around the world. The portal provides key data to monitor food security situations and food prices, as well as tools for policy analysis and capacity development. The portal aims to help policymakers and other stakeholders find appropriate and timely responses to address food insecurity. The portal has two versions: the global Food Security Portal (FSP) and the Africa south of the Sahara Food Security Portal.
Statement of Purpose & Scope of Work
We seek a technical partner who has extensive experience in building and maintaining Drupal 11, CKAN and Moodle based web applications with a track record of results in an international development setting. They will also need to have readily available AWS technically certified engineer(s) to handle the underlying infrastructure changes.
The purpose of this RFP is to find the best agency partner to revamp FSP’s digital delivery services.
We are seeking a technical partner that can complete the following activities:
- Upgrade the FSP from Drupal 9.5.1 to Drupal 11
- Upgrade the FSP data portal from CKAN 2.9 to CKAN 2.10
- Upgrade the FSP e-learning platform from Moodle 3.11 to Moodle 4.4
- Upgrade the backend database engines to the most recent versions compatible with the existing software, including renewal of AWS certificates
- Update the Moodle host server, including OpenSSH, from version 8.1 to 9.8
- Ensure EC2 instance (AWS Linux) security is up-to-date
- Optimize CKAN bulk download functionality to reduce CPU load
- Update Font Awesome from the version 5 to version 6
We shall provide:
- Access to the source code of the existing applications
- Access to the AWS environment where the applications are hosted
Evaluation Criteria
Proposals will be reviewed by the selection team. The following indicate a list of the significant criteria against which proposals will be assessed. This list is not exhaustive or 100% inclusive and is provided to enhance the applicants' ability to respond with substance.
Applicants are required to submit the following information, conforming to the guidelines given in this section:
- Understanding of the project objective and deliverables
- Understanding of the technical requirements
- Comprehensive work plan with a reasonable timeframe
- Evidence of AWS certification(s)
- Evidence of past experience with similar work performed for the technology stacks in scope of this assignment, i.e. Drupal, CKAN, Moodle, Linux, and RDMS
- Evidence of past experience customizing multilingual Drupal implementations using the Domain Access module
- Evidence of past experience building dashboards on top of Highcharts
- Evidence of past experience integrating GIS applications within Drupal applications
- Evidence of past collaborations with organizations that operate in an international development setting
- Creative and methodological approaches required to implement each aspect of the scope of work
- Detailed budget, with attention to cost-effectiveness and return on investment
- Identification of possible challenges and creative approaches to addressing them
- Management and personnel plan, including team members with relevant qualifications and overall experience required to successfully implement the project
Instructions for Responding and Queries
In the event of any questions, please reach out to IFPRI-FSP@cgiar.org.
Submit RFP responses no later than August 19, 2024 on the IFPRI website.
Responses should include:
- Full work proposal including the points laid out in the evaluation criteria
- Budget breakdown/financial proposal
Terms and Conditions of this Request for Proposals
Upon selection of a Consultant, a detailed contract will be agreed on by both parties. FSP retains the right to not pursue this project if enough proposals are not submitted or funding for the project is no longer available. Any intellectual assets developed during the course of this project will be managed in accordance with the CGIAR Principles on the Management of Intellectual Assets, ensuring their maximum possible access and impact.
Notice of Non-Binding Solicitation
FSP reserves the right to reject any and all bids received in response to this solicitation and is in no way bound to accept any proposal. FSP additionally reserves the right to negotiate the substance of the successful applicants' proposals, as well as the option of accepting partial components of a proposal if deemed appropriate.
All information provided as part of this solicitation is considered confidential. In the event that any information is inappropriately released, FSP will seek appropriate remedies as allowed. Proposals, discussions, and all information received in response to this solicitation will be held as strictly confidential.
Right to Final Negotiations on the Proposal
FSP reserves the right to negotiate on the final costs, and the final scope of work of the proposal. FSP reserves the right to limit or include third parties at FSP’s full and sole discretion in such negotiations.
Intellectual Property
Subject to the terms of the contract to be concluded between FSP and the applicant, the ownership of the intellectual property related to the scope of work of the contract, including technical information, know-how, processes, copyrights, models, drawings, source code, and specifications developed by the applicant in performance of the contract shall vest entirely with FSP.